
Wednesday, December 25, 2013


There is no such thing as a “Victimless Crime.” Wrong doing always leaves someone worse off, than had the crime not been committed.  There are three types of criminals:

The Opportunist. 
This type of criminal makes choices within blurred moral boundaries, often believing that they aren’t hurting anyone or that their actions are fine as long as they don’t get caught. This person won’t pick your pocket or rob you at gun point. But if he/she finds a wallet, they will keep the money. They won’t break into a house or car, but if the door is open or the windows are down, they may help themselves to any accessible goodies. The Opportunist takes advantage of an unfortunate situation, even at the expense of others.
The Opportunist is also referred to as ( The Petty Criminal ) as their criminal activities are often low in loss value and almost never involves physical harm or danger.

The Hardened Criminal.
Opposite of the petty criminal, the hardened criminal makes judgment calls base purely on criminal intent. 

Breaking and Entering/Burglary…………..Battery
Armed robbery……………………………..Crimes of Passion
Car jacking………………………………....Arson
The hardened criminal engages these activities despite the possible ramifications of imprisonment or even death. They make choices based on perceived needs or desires and consequences are usually weighed only after they have been apprehended.

Masterminds and Psychotics
These types of criminals are becoming more prevalent in society because of the breakdown of the nuclear family and the preponderance of violence in the media which relentlessly depicts graphic gratuitous scenes and hateful lyrics. While mastermind criminals often suffer from schizophrenia and delusions of grandeur, psychotics may suffer pathological tendencies (uncontrollable urges) or lack empathy and other human traits that allow peaceful social adjustment. These are people who genuinely feel they have little or no control over their own actions or the may even feel compelled to do things by forces outside themselves; such as Aliens or hearing voices. 
Urges may evolve gradually. They may plot for years to commit a crime. Or they may simply snap (Go Postal: a catch phrase of the seventies to depict mass shootings in public places).

Serial Killings……………………………….........Genocide
Crimes of the most heinous nature are often committed by persons with deep mental and emotional wounds/gaps. They lack empathy; the human quality that permits one to understand and identify with the suffering of another. They may be hopelessly entwined in Satanic activity. They may even see their victims as Things and not People

It is up to each of us to act in a fashion that improves our own level of personal safety. We must teach our children to watch for the signs of instability in the people around them, lest they fall victims to those who prey on innocence and kindness. The world is full of goodness and beauty, but wickedness abounds and we mustn’t give it an opportunity to take root in our homes or our hearts.  

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